There seems to be an error or two in the latest Photochatter. In my previous post I outlined the submission process for CICCA and End of Year entries. The entry deadline was April 30 for CICCA. I will accept digital images until May 2 for End of Year. Submission for Prints for both contests has also ended.
The Infrared Zoom meeting for Springfield has been rescheduled for May 4th at 7PM. The featured image is an infrared shot by Ray K.
Please use the signup sheet or let Dave know if you are attending the End of Year Banquet on May 16th. The judging for the End of Year images will be this coming Saturday May 6th at the church starting at 9 am. You can join us to see how the images are judged and a few volunteers will be needed to help.
The meeting topic will be Double Vision featuring images from Joe and Vicki from their separate experiences in Ireland. This will be our final meeting of the year. We will continue to plan some outings for the summer if there is enough interest from the members and remember to submit your prints for the HOI Fair.